Torch Free Dabbing
Dabbing has come a long way from butter knives and kitchen stoves. Yet the torch still turns many people off from this very effective way...
Hello! Welcome to Let's Talk About It, a blog where I talk about, educate & destigmatize the use of psychidelics and plant medicine. I will share my knowledge and experiences with plant medicine, provide product reviews and recommendations as well as just share about myself and things that I like.
My name is Shay. Im 35 years young, a single mom and Aries. I have spent the past year or so sharing my journey via social media. I pride myself on my candor and willingness to talk about things that may be considered taboo to most.
I spent my early 20's a prisioner in my own body and mind addicted to first opioid pain killers and then herion and some other really nasty substances. After beating those demons with the help of a 2 year prison sentence and overcoming two, back to back tragedies I made the decision to turn to plant medicine. It was the best choice I have ever made. Over the years I have learned and absorbed all the information and knowledge I possibly could in order to share with everyone that will listen.
I started Let's Talk About It as a reel series on Instagram and am so excited to now bring it into a blog.
Let's Talk About It has added such value to my life, and I love having the opportunity to share my experiences and insights with my followers and readers.
You can follow me on Instagram at: @canna_shay42.0
Passion Makes Perfect
I started Let's Talk About It with the goal of offering readers a glimpse into my thoughts and experiences. What started out as twice weekly Instagram posts has evolved into the need for a site packed with information about various topics that are near and dear to me. Take some time to explore the blog and see for yourself what makes you curious and eager. Read on, enjoy & Let's Talk About It!